Jami’a - Journal in Education and Social Sciences http://ojs.qsm.ac.il/index.php/jamiaa <p><strong><em>Jami’a </em></strong>is a fully peer-reviewed biannual journal recognized by the Council for Higher Education in Israel and available in print and electronic formats, it has been published in electronic format only since 2019, and it publishes articles in English, Arabic, and Hebrew</p> <p> </p> en-US [email protected] (Saida Abu Zugaier) [email protected] (Saida Abu Zugaier) Thu, 15 Aug 2024 11:47:37 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 المقدمة http://ojs.qsm.ac.il/index.php/jamiaa/article/view/938 <p>يتضمّن هذا الإصدار ستّة بحوث متميّزة تغطّي مجموعة واسعة من المواضيع في مجال التّربية والتّعليم</p> أنور ريان Copyright (c) 2024 Jami’a - Journal in Education and Social Sciences http://ojs.qsm.ac.il/index.php/jamiaa/article/view/938 Thu, 01 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The أثر دمج التّكنولوجيا المتقدّمة وأدوات التّعلم الرّقمي في تدريس العلوم على فهم المصطلحات العلميّة والدّافعيّة للتّعلم لدى طلاب المدارس الابتدائية http://ojs.qsm.ac.il/index.php/jamiaa/article/view/939 <p>To keep pace with this era of rapid technological advancements, it has become essential to integrate technology into education. This study, which was conducted as a requirement for a master’s degree in science education, aims to explore the impact of utilizing the PhET simulation program and Kahoot!, the game-based learning platform on science education for elementary school students. It specifically focuses on the impact of these digital tools on students’ understanding of scientific concepts and their motivation to learn science.</p> <p>The current study employed a “mixed method” methodology, making use of both quantitative and qualitative methods to collect and analyze data. Quantitative data were collected from pre- and post-intervention questionnaires, which were completed by the elementary school students, and qualitative data were collected from classroom observations. Students were divided into two groups, experimental and control. The experimental group used the PhET simulation program and Kahoot!, while the control group relied on traditional learning methods. Results show that among the experimental group, there were significant improvements in students’ understanding of scientific concepts and a great increase in their motivation to learn. It was also found that the use of digital tools in education contributes to making the learning process more interactive and engaging.</p> <p>The study thus underscores the importance of integrating advanced technologies and digital tools into science teaching and education to enhance students’ understanding of scientific concepts and stimulate their motivation to learn. It also highlights the need for further research into the effectiveness of different educational technologies in elementary science education.</p> عبير وتد, براء ريان Copyright (c) 2024 Jami’a - Journal in Education and Social Sciences http://ojs.qsm.ac.il/index.php/jamiaa/article/view/939 Thu, 01 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ملخّصات رسائل الماجستير في تخصّص التّعليم والتّعلّم للعام الأكاديمي 2022-2023 في أكاديمية القاسمي: نظرة شاملة http://ojs.qsm.ac.il/index.php/jamiaa/article/view/940 <p>تعدّ رسائل الماجستير والدّكتوراه مصدرًا غنيًّا للمعرفة والبحث العلميّ في تخصّص التّعليم والتّعلّم، إذ تتناول هذه الدّراسات موضوعات متنوّعة تغطّي جوانب مختلفة من العمليّة التّعليميّة والتّربويّة، وتسلّط الضّوء على التّحدّيات والفرص المتاحة في هذا المجال. وفي هذا السّياق، يأتي هذا العمل ليقدّم نظرة شاملة على مجموعة مختارة من ملخّصات رسائل الماجستير في تخصّص التّعليم والتّعلّم للعام الأكاديميّ 2022-2023 في أكاديميّة القاسمي.</p> <p>تتميّز هذه الدّراسات بتنوّع مواضيعها وشموليّة مناهجها البحثيّة، حيث تتناول قضايا تربويّة وتعليميّة ملحّة في المجتمع العربيّ في إسرائيل، مثل تدريس الّلغة الإنجليزيّة وتعليم العلوم وتوظيف التّكنولوجيا في التّعليم، والتّعلّم خارج الصّف، وأدب الأطفال، وتنمية مهارات القراءة والفهم القرائي، وغيرها. كما تتبنّى هذه الدّراسات مناهج بحثيّة متنوّعة، كالمنهج الكمّي والكيفيّ والمختلط، وتستخدم أدوات بحثيّة متعدّدة، كالاستبانات والمقابلات والاختبارات، لجمع البيانات وتحليلها.</p> أسمهان مصري, نغم بشارة, سائدة أبو الصغير Copyright (c) 2024 Jami’a - Journal in Education and Social Sciences http://ojs.qsm.ac.il/index.php/jamiaa/article/view/940 Thu, 01 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 חינוך לרב-תרבותיות באקדמיה: המקרה של סטודנטים יהודים וערבים בלימודי תואר שני בחינוך http://ojs.qsm.ac.il/index.php/jamiaa/article/view/941 <p>The primary objective of this empirical research is to examine the nexus between the assimilation of multicultural knowledge and competencies acquired through the curricular course “Global Multiculturalism”, which is taught as part of the Educational Studies degree in one of Israel’s prominent academic institutions. Data were collected from a comprehensive survey involving 251 Arab and Jewish graduate students in Educational Studies. Data were also derived from self-reported behavioral changes in the students who enrolled in the course to examine the mediating role of attitude shifts and the dynamics of reciprocal interactions among students.</p> <p>The results indicate a positive correlation between the assimilation of multicultural knowledge and self-reported behavioral changes among the students who participated in the course. Shifts in attitudes were identified as mediating variables in the relationship between knowledge assimilation and behavioral changes. More specifically, changes in attitudes and perspectives towards multiculturalism among the students were found to be predictive of their positive behavioral adjustments. The study also found that the extent of reciprocal interactions between Arab and Jewish students within academia amplifies the correlation between knowledge acquisition and behavioral changes. That is, elevated levels of intergroup reciprocity within educational settings were found to strengthen the link between multicultural knowledge assimilation and reported positive behavioral changes. The study’s findings thus offer both theoretical and practical insights for advancing multicultural education in academic settings.</p> אסמהאן מסרי- חרזאללה Copyright (c) 2024 Jami’a - Journal in Education and Social Sciences http://ojs.qsm.ac.il/index.php/jamiaa/article/view/941 Thu, 01 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 מסוגלות טכנולוגית, יכולת מיינדפולנס ויעילות הלמידה המקוונת בקרב סטודנטים מהחברה העברית במהלך משבר Covid-19 http://ojs.qsm.ac.il/index.php/jamiaa/article/view/942 <p>With the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, online learning has become one of the main approaches in higher education settings in Israel. However, its effectiveness and efficacy have not yet been sufficiently studied among Arab students in Israel. The current research relies on quantitative methods to examine the relationships between technological self-efficacy, mindfulness ability, and perceived effectiveness of online learning during the COVID-19 crisis. Data was collected from 378 students (85% females and 15% males) studying at 3 randomly selected higher education institutions. About 68% of the participants were studying towards a master’s degree in education, most of whom already working as teachers, while 32% were studying towards undergraduate degrees in teacher education.</p> <p>The findings show a positive correlation between technological self-efficacy and the perceived effectiveness of online learning. Additionally, the study found that students’ mindfulness ability moderates the relationship between technological self-efficacy and perceived online learning effectiveness. Moreover, significant differences were found between the female and male students, with male students reporting higher technological self-efficacy. Significant differences were also found between undergraduate and graduate students, with the latter finding online learning to be more effective. Therefore, this study contributes to the evolving discourse around online learning during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, exposing potential gender gaps and emphasizing the importance of technological self-efficacy and mindfulness ability for building more effective online learning environments. The study’s findings have practical implications for curriculum developers, policymakers, and academic institutions.&nbsp;</p> אסמהאן מסרי- חרזאללה, עביר ותד Copyright (c) 2024 Jami’a - Journal in Education and Social Sciences http://ojs.qsm.ac.il/index.php/jamiaa/article/view/942 Thu, 01 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 מעורבות הורים וטיב הקשר עם הגננת בתקופת הקורונה: מחקר משווה בין החברה היהודית והחברה הערבית בישראל http://ojs.qsm.ac.il/index.php/jamiaa/article/view/943 <p>The current study focuses on parental involvement and the nature of parents’ relationship with their children’s kindergarten teachers during the coronavirus pandemic. It highlights the parents’ perspectives on the teachers’ willingness to allow the former’s involvement in their children’s kindergartens. Parental perspectives on this willingness were reported among both Jewish and Arab families. 119 parents of kindergarten children participated in the study (55 Jewish parents and 64 Arab parents). Data was collected through questionnaires distributed to and completed by the parents participating in the study. The study’s findings demonstrate the differences between Arab and Jewish parents in their patterns of parental involvement in general and the changes in their involvement in their children’s kindergartens during the pandemic.</p> <p>More specifically, Arab parents believed that the willingness of teachers to allow their involvement in their children’s kindergartens was related to their socio-economic status. In contrast, Jewish parents believed that parents’ availability and knowledge were significant factors in the teachers’ willingness to encourage their involvement. The importance of this research lies in focusing on the role of parental involvement in their children’s preschool education during stressful periods such as the coronavirus pandemic, further shedding light on how socio-cultural aspects are key to examining the perceived rationale for parental involvement and the nature of parents’ relationships with their children’s kindergarten teachers. That is, this study’s implications help identify and recognize perceived socio-cultural differences concerning parental involvement in their children’s preschool education in periods of crisis.</p> אפרת בנג'ו, רודיינה בדיר Copyright (c) 2024 Jami’a - Journal in Education and Social Sciences http://ojs.qsm.ac.il/index.php/jamiaa/article/view/943 Thu, 01 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Influence of One Thousand and One Nights on Children’s Arabic Literature http://ojs.qsm.ac.il/index.php/jamiaa/article/view/944 <p>One Thousand and One Nights, also known as Arabian Nights, is a literary source that evokes supernatural, magical worlds that transcend place and time and stimulate the reader’s audio-visual imagination. Kamil Kelani, the renowned Egyptian writer, as well as other writers who followed his style, derived tales from One Thousand and One Nights and simplified them for children in forms that still maintained the original marvel. The study argues that these tales from One Thousand and One Nights have saved children’s Arabic literature from stagnation and the domination of a preaching didactic tone that overwhelmed it since its inception at the end of the nineteenth century.</p> <p>The study confirms that the simplified tales of One Thousand and One Nights meet the various needs of Arab children today, including fantasy, imagination, and reading for pleasure. For instance, characters such as giants, mermaids, and unicorns, subjected to unusual time-place conditions, have entered the space of children’s Arabic literature through the simplified tales of One Thousand and One Nights and enriched it with imagination, oddity, wonder, fantasy, and amusement. These tales also do not neglect reflections on life and death, achievement and failure, and love and hatred, being some of the key issues facing children in their foundational years. To show this, the study employed an analytical approach through which specific motifs and elements from the simplified tales of One Thousand and One Nights are analyzed for their impact on Arabic children’s literature, how they were assimilated into this literature, and their influence on its content, narrative structures, character formation, and symbols. This approach aims to comprehend the interaction between the tales of One Thousand and One Nights and Arabic children’s literature since the end of the 19<sup>th</sup> century.</p> Dr. Rafi' Yaḥyā Copyright (c) 2024 Jami’a - Journal in Education and Social Sciences http://ojs.qsm.ac.il/index.php/jamiaa/article/view/944 Thu, 01 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000