تحول بردايغم (النموذج): من خطاب الهويات إلى القيم والأخلاق لعبور الحدود Shifting Paradigm; From Discourse of Identities to Values and Morality for Cross Border of Identities



Published Jul 20, 2024
راسم خمايسي


The formation of individual and collective identity is done by setting boundaries between individuals and groups to determine their affiliation.  These boundaries are formulated in order to define oneself and identify circles of sharing and intersection or disagreement with the other. These boundaries are formulated and determined in some cases by individuals from below, i.e. by the initiative of the individual or from above, i.e. by a state/space or group in which the individual is born and lives under duress or desire. This article claims that the formation of identities is primarily influenced by the development, production and delimitation of borders. As the process of determining boundaries determines who is within these borders, subordinate and belonging to a customary and official identity, and who is outside the borders, he belongs to the other who has an identity formulated to differentiate and determine his features. We also argue that the state of globalization and contemporary universalism has formed the basis for progress towards the melting of identity boundaries, or has made these boundaries more permeable on the one hand, and on the other hand, the need to preserve local cultural and/or national identities, and with it to accept the tendency for transnational value and ethical sharing. The article begins by developing a critical epistemological framework for the dialectic of identity formation and borders, followed by a brief reference formulation of the relationship between values and ethics from a conceptual point of view. Next, we put together the problems of defining borders and producing them for the situation and status of Palestinian Arab citizens, their definition of their identity, and the complexities of this definition according to multiple references. We then critically present the changes in the definition of individual and collective identity of Palestinian Arabs, presenting and analyzing the internal, external/subjective, and objective factors that influenced the process of changes and transformations that formed the identity dilemma with the definition of geopolitical boundaries. This is followed by the concept of redrawing borders after the "demolition" of existing borders to define the traditional identity paradigm, moving towards a paradigm that focuses on values and ethics in the circles of belonging and identity in order to secure existence and coexistence in the event of bridging identity contradictions, including among Palestinian Arabs in Israel.

How to Cite

خمايسي ر. (2024). تحول بردايغم (النموذج): من خطاب الهويات إلى القيم والأخلاق لعبور الحدود: Shifting Paradigm; From Discourse of Identities to Values and Morality for Cross Border of Identities. Al-Qasemi Journal of Islamic Studies, 8(2), 121–157. Retrieved from http://ojs.qsm.ac.il/index.php/ISJournal/article/view/937


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