The Place: between geographical and ideological descriptions: The Old City basin in Jerusalem as an example



Published Dec 10, 2023
Rassem Mohy-elden Khamaisi


The conflict over the Old City and its Visual Basin is at the heart of the conflict
between Palestinian Arabs and Israeli Jews. This conflict stems from the
formulation of the narrative of the sacred, the weaving of the term and the
production and possession of the place. This article discusses how the term
"sacred\holy" basin is named for the visual basin area that surrounds the Old City.
The granting of the status and name of sanctification to the area around the Old
City is the result of ideological motives in order to control the geopolitical space.
The article claims that the State of Israel (Jewish and Zionist institutions) apply a
matrix of control to achieve demographic, spatial and territorial goals, strategies
and policies, land ownership and spatial planning to secure Israeli control over the
perimeter of the Old City of Jerusalem and change its landscape. This brief paper
aims to monitor how to transform the definition of place from a geographical
concept to a religious ideology, by presenting and discussing the state of the
ongoing struggle for control of the Old City and the surrounding visual basin as
part of the application of the penetration strategy and the extension of the Israeli
matrix of control to change its demographic, geographical and heritage reality. Thepaper relies in the presentation and analysis on the descriptive and comparative
critical approach, relying on previous research conducted and plans prepared for
the study area.
The study concludes that the production of the term defining the place from
geographical to ideological, translated into a novel that seeks to engineer
consciousness and establish the ethics of using the matrix of control to achieve the
project of the dominant state. Therefore, it is necessary to produce and adopt semineutral terminology that translates a narrative, a vision that forms the basis for the
formulation of the urban city space, to open horizons for the development of the
city and to reach geopolitical settlements that reduce the level of conflict over the
city and clash within it

How to Cite

Khamaisi, R. M.- elden. (2023). The Place: between geographical and ideological descriptions: The Old City basin in Jerusalem as an example . Al-Qasemi Journal of Islamic Studies, 8(1), 47–86. Retrieved from


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