The sanctity of graves and exhume it between the inviolability hammer and the anvil of politics



Published Dec 10, 2023
Mohammed Mosa Eleawa


The study aimed to highlight the sanctity of graves and exhume it between the
inviolability hammer and the anvil of politics on the one hand or scholars and
specialists on the other about the inviolability and violation of graves, When
necessary and in the public interest, this inviolability or violation often coincides
with politics, The study showed that there were numerous claims of Israeli practices
against Palestinian graves and their ongoing violation Some parties and entities are
making several claims in this regard, This study made these claims clear, as some
of them are correct. and these claims are based on accusations of Israel's demolition
and bulldozing of the graves and desecration of the inviolability of the dead, The
majority of these claims came from Islamists and other hardcore scholars.
The study used the descriptive and analytical approach to clarify the topic of
the exhumation of the grave before and after Islam, thus analysing that information
and reviewing the views that have been expressed in the inviolability of the grave
or changing these views according to contemporary status. Comparative
approaches have also been used to compare the opinions of scholars on the topic
of exhumation and sanctity of graves, especially in modern times and the
differences between these ages on this topic, and the extent to which political
parties influence these views.
The study concluded that in all four doctrines, scholars agreed to prohibit the
exhumation of graves, or even the opening of the graves of the dead and to detect them, whether it be shortly after their burial or after a long period, without cause,
interest or urgency. Many researchers also allege Israel's exhumation and contempt
of graves without examination or scrutiny of those claims.

How to Cite

Eleawa, M. M. (2023). The sanctity of graves and exhume it between the inviolability hammer and the anvil of politics. Al-Qasemi Journal of Islamic Studies, 8(1), 87–130. Retrieved from


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