فلسفـة الحمل على المعنى: دراسة تطبيقيّة في تراكيب مُختارة من القراءات القرآنيّة



Published Sep 13, 2022
Rania shehadeh saifan Muhammad Adnan Jabareen


In Arabic, inference is considered one of the most extensive aspects of retraction in terms of structure, composition, semantics, and grammar. Inference is one of the most prominent methods taken by Arabic grammarians in interpreting questions of language. This is since inference is an interpretive approach that aims to attribute (infer) what violates the rule. It is thus an interpretive tool used to clarify the reasons for the deviation of a word from its origin. It can also be said that inference carries with it other interpretive dimensions – especially in terms of linking language to its semantics and using it at the level of both the addressor and the addressee so that the speaker does not depart from the rules of his language except for a specific purpose. Moreover, when the grammarian infers modified words, he returns them to their syntax. Hence, departing from the rule often leads to the corruption of syntax whereas inference leads to enriching semantics and conveys the intention of the addressor.

Inference constitutes a fertile field for commentators as well as an important means for directing Quranic readings and showing Quranic miracles through its phonological, semantic, and grammatical structures. Thus, retraction emerged with a trace of Islamic thought, and this appears in the grammarians’ interpretations of the various phenomena of retraction. Quranic readings have a great impact on clarifying the meaning of verses to understand and interpret them. This is as they facilitate the recitation and memorization of the Qur’an and clarify its miraculous rhetorical aspects. Scholars, each according to their specialization, have been concerned with the linguistic direction of Quranic readings and their invocation to retract from them grammatical and morphological rules or to emphasize their adherence with the words of the ancient Arabs.

This study examines inference from a philosophical perspective, showing its role in the multiplicity of reading in a range of selected Quranic readings. This analytical study thus combines ancient grammatical thought with contemporary linguistic teachings to reveal the relationship between these linguistic teachings and the readings. So, inference is used to explain the readings and the reasons behind their retractions, especially since many texts in the Qur’an cannot be understood literally. Therefore, this study tries to reveal the relationship between multiple levels of linguistic analysis by focusing on the breadth of the multiple semantics of a single word and how this affects the meanings of this word.

How to Cite

shehadeh saifan, R., & Jabareen , M. A. (2022). فلسفـة الحمل على المعنى: دراسة تطبيقيّة في تراكيب مُختارة من القراءات القرآنيّة. AL-Majma, (17), 147–182. Retrieved from http://ojs.qsm.ac.il/index.php/majma/article/view/352


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