Women's Issues and Struggles in Feminist Literature, an applied study of the novel 'Black Befits You' by Ahlem Mosteghanemi



Published Sep 13, 2021
Asma Assmairia


Feminist literature is one of the most important contemporary critical investigations that have occupied literary and cultural studies. This is because of the profound problems associated with women in the first place, as they are the producers of this type of literature in an effort to free themselves from all forms of injustice imposed on them. Hence, I chose to examine women's issues and their struggles in feminist literature by looking at the novel 'Black Befits You' by Ahlem Mosteghanemi as means to highlight the most important issues that are included in her literature and the most important conflicts that she has experienced in her journey to prove herself. Following from this, the problems that arise from this research can be summed in the following questions: What are the issues that women have raised during their struggle for existence? What are the different forms that women's struggles have taken throughout the novel? And how did women emancipate themselves from the constraints which they faced?


How to Cite

Assmairia, A. . (2021). Women’s Issues and Struggles in Feminist Literature, an applied study of the novel ’Black Befits You’ by Ahlem Mosteghanemi. AL-Majma, (16), 1–24. Retrieved from http://ojs.qsm.ac.il/index.php/majma/article/view/367


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