Shift in vision and artistic composition in the novel of Nageb Mahfuz after the "Triology"



Published Sep 14, 2019
Yasen Kittani


The present study deals with the various modifications in the works of Nageb Mahfuz. His guiding principle in the traditional way of writing narrative fiction was reality-based organization, whose purpose was to create an effect of “realism” or a convincing world ruled by the known laws of nature. The imitation of reality in this mode of writing had the purpose of hiding the fundamental difference between the two worlds: fiction world and reality.

In contrast, the later fiction of Mahfuz follows the principle of artistic organization, which highlights the special character of the artistic experience. The main feature of his later works consists of the “daring” design they give to the world’s phenomena, a design which deviates from commonly accepted norms of representation in a way which draws attention to the artistic organization and the artistic mode of representing phenomena.

Mahfuz’s narrative fiction underwent various modifications and changes as a result of his search for ways of composition and design that would fit his own artistic views and the rapid changes in Egypt and the Arab world.

Since the author became involved in existential issues in the late stage of his novels, his narrative strategies changed accordingly: transition from an external to a subjective perspective, familiar “reality” is undermined, so the introspective view begins to dominate the other elements of form, language and style.

How to Cite

Kittani, Y. . (2019). Shift in vision and artistic composition in the novel of Nageb Mahfuz after the "Triology". AL-Majma, (14), 333–342. Retrieved from


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