Juha and his jokes



Published Sep 18, 2010
Ahmad Azem


This current study discusses “Juha” as a character and shed some light on his jokes. Juha is a popular character yet controversial among the Arabic folklore. Juha`s character is not perceived as one person but rather diverse representations. The oldest character, among the variety of characters, is the Arab Juha who lived in the seventh century. Later, he Turkish Juha has appeared; He passed away in the thirteen century. Furthermore, other similar characters have emerged that belonged to various cultures, mainly, those affected by Muslim Arab culture.

 Juha’s heritage may be dived into the following: smart jokes, foolish jokes, “pretended to be foolish” jokes, and misery jokes.

How to Cite

Azem, A. . (2010). Juha and his jokes. AL-Majma, (10), 1–12. Retrieved from http://ojs.qsm.ac.il/index.php/majma/article/view/455


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