Threshold title in the collection Ard al-Hakaya by Sanaa’ Shaalan



Published Sep 18, 2010
Shamel Abd-Al-Lateef Abd-Al-Lateef Diaa’ Ghani alAboudi


Title labeling constitutes is an important aspect in the modern critical studies and the authors of literary texts become well aware of that aspect. Their texts, therefore, turn to be artistic due to the careful selection of the text title and its significance. When we read a text title that consists of one word or two, it leads us naturally to the text and specifies its limits in the reader's mind. In the light of the significance of the title, this study aims to probe the depths of the title in the collection of "Ard al-hakaaya" ('land of tales') by Sanaa' Sha'laan.

How to Cite

Abd-Al-Lateef, S. A.-A.-L., & alAboudi, D. G. (2010). Threshold title in the collection Ard al-Hakaya by Sanaa’ Shaalan. AL-Majma, (10), 75–89. Retrieved from


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