A brief study of the Palestinian theatre movement



Published Sep 18, 2015
Karmah Zo’bi


The study presents the Palestinian Theatre Movement of since 48 for 60 years. Because of our region goes through political and social unsettled situation which affected and impacted on the movement of the Palestinian Theatre, we divided the geographical and the placement study into the following:

  1. From the First World War (1918- 1948) Palestine before the establishment of the state of Israel.
  2. The period “between” (1948-1967) inside and outside Israel authority.
  3. From 1967 outside the green line with all the political changes up to date.
  4. Since 1976 inside the green line up to date we expand our presentation by showing the documenting problem , so we start to review the Palestinian Theater Movement as the following :
  5. from 48-67 named Nakba to Naksa
  6. 67-93, since the advent of the Palestinian Authority and beyond it, in every period the study reviews the theatre activities like shows and plays.

      The study mentions the pioneers and playwritings of the theatre with all the contents, the methods and the model we have. The study then turns into the theatre movement inside the green line as the following periods:

  1. 1948-1967 from Nakba to Naksa.
  2. After 1967 up to date with all the improvements on theater performance.

In addition, on the theatre performance, the study presents the pioneers and the playwritings of the unsteady theater movement due to the political and social situation in the region throwing light on the contents, methods and the examples of writing texts. Furthermore, they use it in writing plays for the procedures

How to Cite

Zo’bi, . K. . (2015). A brief study of the Palestinian theatre movement. AL-Majma, (9), 221–244. Retrieved from http://ojs.qsm.ac.il/index.php/majma/article/view/474


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