Deviance from the linguistic analogy in some linguistic structures in the Holy Quran



Published Sep 21, 2014
Basem Younis Al-Bderat Hussain Mohammed Al-Batayneh


     This study aimes to uncover the truth about some of the linguistic structures in the Holy Quran, which may appear for the first glance deviating from the norms of the Arabic speech. When we take a deep and examining look and measuring them in accordance with the Arabic normative speech, we find that the rush to judgment was due mainly to the lack of understanding of the linguistic methodology which the Holy Quran used in expressing meanings and purposes.

      To achieve the above purpose, researchers study some linguistic phenomena like: Deviance from the inflection system (Erab), matching between the verb and the subject, and replacing a structure with another. We have concluded through relating these structures to its usage by Arabs, and the deep look at the grammatical rule, that what have appeared to be deviant from  Arabic rules and norms in the structures we have chosen was in part due to the fact that the Arab traditional grammarians have given priority in the process of setting the grammatical rules to the spoken language more than the Holy Quran itself

How to Cite

Al-Bderat , B. Y. ., & Al-Batayneh, H. M. (2014). Deviance from the linguistic analogy in some linguistic structures in the Holy Quran. AL-Majma, (8), 1–36. Retrieved from


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