Ibn Said Poems - Critique, Verification and Supplement



Published Sep 17, 2014
Mohammed Yousef Banat


This research addresses the topic of "Ibn Said Maghrabi poems"; it was originally compiled, investigated and analyzed by both researchers Jamal Ayyad and Hala Hawwari. Following a close examination and comparison of the two works, I concluded that there was a noticeable deficiency in the investigation. After several observations were gathered and formulated, I decided to conduct more in depth research and investigation into different settings and resources. I was able to highlight mistakes and flaws. I recorded what was missing or overlooked in relation to different narrations and extracts. I also verified the true owner of the disputed poems between Ibn Said and other poets. I put forward a supplement, which included new poems not mentioned in the two works for Ibn Said. The aim is to fill the gap and complete the work to make it a rich resource available for researchers and students as well

How to Cite

Banat, M. Y. . (2014). Ibn Said Poems - Critique, Verification and Supplement. AL-Majma, (8), 203–244. Retrieved from http://ojs.qsm.ac.il/index.php/majma/article/view/484


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