A Selection of Elegies Pronounced by Jinn over al-Íusayn b. ÝAlÐ



Published Sep 1, 2011
Khalid Sindawi


The present study deals with elegies supposedly composed by jinn in honor of al-Íusayn b. ÝAlÐ. It is divided into two parts. Part one begins with a theoretical introduction about demons (jinn) in ancient Arab culture and their relationship to poetry, and elegies ascribed to jinn in honor of Islamic personalities. The study then goes on to analyze poems allegedly composed by jinn that elegize al-Íusayn b. ÝAlÐ. It describes their contents, language, artistic devices and the motives of the ShÐÝa to ascribe such poems to demons. Part Two contains an edited and annotated edition of such poems.

How to Cite

Sindawi, K. . (2011). A Selection of Elegies Pronounced by Jinn over al-Íusayn b. ÝAlÐ. AL-Majma, (5), 1–36. Retrieved from http://ojs.qsm.ac.il/index.php/majma/article/view/515


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