Figurative Language in Self-restraint Texts: Its Functionality and Artistic and Moral Value



Published Sep 1, 2011
Isam Al-Khatib


This article deals with the employment of comparison (imagination) between the Sufi struggle with one's self (ego), and the battle or war. This struggle called "al-Jihadal-akbar" (the greatest struggle), in contrast to "al-Jihad al asghar" (the lesser struggle), which is a religious duty to fight for justice in the world, all the while continuing also to fight the interior war, in order to keep the self going against its will on the path of "Sharia" (law).

How to Cite

Al-Khatib, I. . (2011). Figurative Language in Self-restraint Texts: Its Functionality and Artistic and Moral Value. AL-Majma, (5), 75–104. Retrieved from


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