Mustafa Murrar: The Man, his Concepts and his Works



Published Sep 1, 2011
Jamal Assadi


This paper presents Mustafa Murrar's the real man, provides information about his works, explores his ideas and concepts and introduces three of his short stories: "Al-Qatāryz", "Hello, Nations!" and "The Day of the Calf". These three stories, which will appear in my Mustafa Murrar: "The Internal Pages" and other Stories (2010) are not necessarily the most celebrated stories by Mr. Murrar. My aim rather is to introduce Murrar to scholars and readers interested in Arabic literature in English, a language they can cope with more easily. While casual readers will taste the flavor of a different culture, scholars interested in Arabic literature will be provided with new arenas for academic evaluations and critique.

How to Cite

Assadi, J. . (2011). Mustafa Murrar: The Man, his Concepts and his Works . AL-Majma, (3+4), 1–22. Retrieved from


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