Practical Steps Towards Renewing Grammar



Published Sep 1, 2010
Fahed Abu Khadra


There is a real problem regarding the question of mastering Arabic grammar, which is a serious and a widespread problem. Dealing with such problem no doubt is a national, religious, and a cultural necessity, especially when mastering such grammars has a direct impact on mastering the language itself. Researchers were aware of such a problem 90 years ago when they tried to deal with it theoretically and practically, although the problem still exists.

 We are required now to face this problem and to carry out further steps. These steps must be directed, like the previous attempts, in two parallel directions: the theoretical and the practical.

How to Cite

Abu Khadra, F. . (2010). Practical Steps Towards Renewing Grammar. AL-Majma, (2), 189–204. Retrieved from


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