The Social Services Provided to the Arab Community in Israel by Islamic Institutions

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Published May 23, 2020
Haneen Magadlah


This  article, which is part of a larger research, aims to present and track the methods and strategies of Islamic institutions' engagement with the Arab community in Israel in terms of providing social and educational services. This article examines the work of these institutions with the Palestinian community in Israel, by tracking the way they work, and by explaining the characteristics and features of the services they provide and the relationship between them and other community-based organizations. Especially governmental institutions, in light of the many challenges that Islamic institutions face. The study adopted a qualitative research methodology through in-depth interviews with thirty participants who are key figures from six different Arab cities in Israel.

Central research results indicated the strong influence of Islamic institutions on individuals and communities’ life as they are active in several fields of services in order to advance and build community capital and meet the community’s needs. This research shows that Islamic institutions in Israel are similar to those in Arab countries in both their activity and conditions of establishment. Nonetheless, the Islamic institutions in Israel are unique in that they are the only ones that have developed, and still operate under the authority of non-Arab, nonMuslim, and sometimes even hostile authority. This is evident by the characteristics of the work of these institutions, which sometimes replace the state with their service roles, as they established welfare institutions that serve the state and provide social services of a religious and national nature to marginalized groups.

How to Cite

Magadlah, H. (2020). The Social Services Provided to the Arab Community in Israel by Islamic Institutions. Jami’a - Journal in Education and Social Sciences, 23(1). Retrieved from


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Islamic institutions, social services, Palestinians

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