Information For Authors

  1. Manuscripts should be sent in Microsoft Word (.doc/.docx) format as attachment(s) to: [email protected] or [email protected].
  2. Manuscripts shouldpresent cutting-edge, original, innovative, and academic research that conforms to objective and universal academic norms of style, format, and language.
  3. Jami’a will not considermanuscriptsthat have been published elsewhere in print or digital format and that are currently under review by another journal. 
  4. Jami’a uses double-blind review; hence, authors are requested to remove all identifying details such as names and affiliations within the manuscript and submit atitle page in a separate file that includes the title of the paper, the author’s/s’ name/s, and the institutional affiliation. 
  5. Jami’a adheres to the rules APA reference style (7th ed.) academic writing, including referenceand page formatting.
  6. Eachmanuscript should include an abstract written in English as well as an abstract written in one of the following two languages: Arabic or Hebrew. Abstractsmust be no more than 300 words followed by 4-5 keywords.
  7. In the reference list, references should successively appear in Arabic, Hebrew, and lastly in English.
  8. If available, tables and figures should be numbered, editable in Word, andtheirtitles should be relevant and descriptive. 
  9. Word limit:Article manuscriptsshould not exceed 8000 words including a title, abstract, tables, figures, and references. 
  10. Font: Articles written in Arabic, Hebrew, and English will be accepted, and these should use11-point Times New Roman font, and 1.5 line spacing.
  11. Peer Review Process: Submitted manuscripts will be initially evaluated by the journal’s Editor-in-Chief who will check their suitability to qualify for peer review. If deemed suitable, the manuscript will be sent to external reviewers with expertise in the field. The estimated time from submission to the first decision is 7-9 weeks