Assessment of Mental Disability and Cultural - Psychological Considerations

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Published Sep 17, 2017
Badeea al-Qashaeli


Psychological structures have different meanings in different cultures, and many studies
have shown a difference in achievement in cognitive tests among individuals of different
classes, ethnicities, etc. Many studies refer to the concept of intelligence in different
meanings in different cultures. Thus, there is also a difference between the sense of
intelligence among Western societies and the sense of intelligence in Arab society, and
therefore psychological assessment of children in the Arab community requires a special
attention to ethno-psychological factors. All attempts to develop a universal IQ test and
all suggested tests of intelligence have not managed to provide a solution to this problem
and have not been able to release the tests from the influence of ethno-psychological
factors. It turns out that in practice it is difficult to monitor all the components of cultural
influences. The question that remains open is whether there is a way to develop a
universal psychological test. Psychological factors have a great importance in
determining retardation and mental problems. A rational diagnosis of retardation requires
a deep understanding of the culture the personnel comes from. Psychological tests can
misdiagnose retardation whether there is no consideration of cultural and historical

How to Cite

al-Qashaeli, B. . (2017). Assessment of Mental Disability and Cultural - Psychological Considerations. Jami’a - Journal in Education and Social Sciences, 20(2), 1–20. Retrieved from


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