Women Embroidering Dialogue, Tolerance and Learning about the other: a Meeting between two Cultures

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Published Oct 1, 2023
Samir Magadlah


The workshop entitled “Women embroidering dialogue, tolerance and learning
about the other, a meeting between two cultures” is an educational pilot initiative,
conducted in 2011, which aimed to promote a real dialogue between Arab teachers
from Alzahari School in Baka and Jewish teachers from different Jewish schools in
Talmond. The literature review shows the significance of such meetings to change
people’s attitudes (Kermair, 2001, Abu Hasan et al, 2008). The main objective of
this study is to check the contribution of the face to face meetings to changing the
Arab and Jewish participants’ attitudes towards the negative intergroup
psychological repertoire (beliefs, attitudes, feelings and behavior towards different
groups). Thus, an ethnographic case study was conducted and the participants’
points of view were checked through a qualitative analysis of their answers in a
Pre-Post questionnaire (Smith, 1982). Twelve teachers (6 from Alzahari, Baka and
6 from Bat Hen Shahak, Talmond) took part in this workshop. They had nine
intensive meetings in Al-Qasemi college and Talmond alternatively. They were
divided into mixed pairs and they had to perform social tasks. The results confirm
the effectiveness of such meetings. It is clear that there were changes in the
participants’ attitudes. The findings of this initiative are very significant for the
reconciliation process between Arab and Jewish citizens living in Israel.

How to Cite

Magadlah, S. (2023). Women Embroidering Dialogue, Tolerance and Learning about the other: a Meeting between two Cultures. Jami’a - Journal in Education and Social Sciences, 16. Retrieved from http://ojs.qsm.ac.il/index.php/jamiaa/article/view/290


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