Adonis’ Egoistic “I” in Al- Mutanabbī's Arrogant Mirror “Al-Kitāb"as a Paradigmatic Example



Published Jun 7, 2023
Ihab Hussein


This article aims at examining the relationship of identification between Adonis’ and al-Mutanabbī’s state of egoism. While demonstrated in the former’s book AlKitāb Ams al-Makān al-Āne, egoism distinguished al-Mutanabbī and was embodied in his two-volume dīwān. Our interest in this pivotal aspect emerges in the wake of our realization of both poets’ preoccupation in this experience which has become one of the most eminent features of their texts and has a prominent effect on the formation of the book identity.

In light of the foregoing, it has become necessary to examine the employment of the principles of intertextuality in Adonis' poetical texts, and the way they correspond with the verses of al-Mutanabbī. We chose to present the results of the application of these principles in two levels, content and style, in order to clarify how the style accords harmoniously with the content of the texts and verses which convey both poets' magnified tone of arrogance.

How to Cite

Hussein, I. . (2023). Adonis’ Egoistic “I” in Al- Mutanabbī’s Arrogant Mirror “Al-Kitāb"as a Paradigmatic Example. AL-Majma, (18). Retrieved from


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