Adonis and al-Mutanabbī Equations of Disgruntlement and Estrangement Al-Kitāb as an Example



Published Jan 5, 2024
Ihab Hussein


This article aims to examine the relationship of identification between Adonis and
al-Mutanabbī in the state of disgruntlement that they both experience, each in his
era and place, in addition to the poets’ experience of estrangement that manifests
itself in their poetry.
Our research focuses on the state of identification between both poets in Adonis’
work al-Kitāb Ams al-Makān al-ān (The Book: Yesterday, the Place, Now), by
discussing the openness of Adonis’ experience in this respect towards alMutanabbī’s poetry in his two-volume dīwān. So that, we focus our interest on
studying those experiences that had a profound impact on the formation of the alKitāb’s identity.
Based on the above, it was necessary for us, throughout the examination, to
explore the functioning of the rules of intertextuality in Adoni’s texts, and the
identification of the poet with al-Mutanabbī’s verses.
We suggest to present the results of the research on the level of content as well as
style, in order to clarify how the style harmonizes with the content in the texts and
the verses that convey the tone of the disgruntlement and the state of estrangement
of the two poets

How to Cite

Hussein, I. . (2024). Adonis and al-Mutanabbī Equations of Disgruntlement and Estrangement Al-Kitāb as an Example. AL-Majma, (19), 1–44. Retrieved from


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