Dichotomy in ‘Urwa ibn al-Ward al-‘Absī’s poetry: An Inferential Extrapolation of Meanings and Structures



Published May 23, 2021
Taha Ghalib Taha


This study examines dichotomy in the poetry of ‘Urwa ibn al-Ward al-‘Absī by monitoring the major dichotomies and sub-opposites in order to accurately reveal the key foundations of this poetic thesis that triumphs moral values.

The study begins by defining the notions of concept, poet, and method, as well as the basic theories of dichotomies: (nature, value, materialism, and existentialism). The aims of this is to clarify the underlying content and structural foundations that can be found through analysing the poetic evidence (motive, purpose, technique, format, and style).

Research that depends on scientific methods includes descriptive, introspective, dialectical and extrapolative methods. This is achieved in this study by explaining the principles, investigating the research, fulfilling the objectives, and inferring the results, alongside assessing the impact of critical approaches: stylistic, structural, and cultural.

How to Cite

Taha, T. G. . (2021). Dichotomy in ‘Urwa ibn al-Ward al-‘Absī’s poetry: An Inferential Extrapolation of Meanings and Structures. AL-Majma, (16), 199–241. Retrieved from http://ojs.qsm.ac.il/index.php/majma/article/view/374


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