The Aesthetic Paradox in Jalal Barjas novel's "The Women of The Five Senses"



Published May 23, 2021
Mayada Al-Saidi


Conflict and contrast create controversy which often contributes to correcting paths after the ideas were crossed and then integrated. Hence, the novelist Jalal Barjas was conscious because he presented a set of contemporary contradictions entangled with childhood dreams and youth ambitions, and by this challenging the nature of Arab life and its recognized characteristics.

His novel, entitled “The Women of the Five Senses”, pioneered this styles of presentation by leaning towards a paradoxical style which not only coincided with what was witnessed at that time but also with what  has happened later at the Arab scene, including various harsh conditions on all levels. These conditions have created a serious turmoil in the Arab personality, which may be contradictory and intransigent to its relationship with real life and its relationship with the other. For instance, Barjas says: "How can literature be an official spokesman in the name of what a person suffers". Therefore, "paradox" is the clearest and most appropriate stylistic feature that can be used for viewing the novel and examining its aesthetic elements.

How to Cite

Al-Saidi, M. . (2021). The Aesthetic Paradox in Jalal Barjas novel’s "The Women of The Five Senses". AL-Majma, (16), 315–379. Retrieved from


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