A Study of the Stylistic Features of Isolated Sound in “Dīwān Yawmiyāt ’imra’ah lā Mubāliyah (A Collection of Poems: The Diary of a Careless Woman)” by Nizār Qabbānī



Published May 23, 2021
Naseem Atef Al-Asady


The stylistic features of the isolated sound are considered part of the internal rhythm of the text, which in turn forms a part of the stylistic sound structures that help expose the phonetic use of the embodiment of imagination and the realization of the image in the text. The scale that I adopted in my analysis is based on the percentage of whispered sounds compared to loud sounds, on one side, and the percentage of explosive sounds compared to frictional sounds, on the other hand, as they appear in the poems included in the collection, as well as the extent to which these proportions exceed their proportions in normal speech.

I have seen that the proportional presence of various sounds in the poems are commensurate with the emotional and moral significance therein. The percentage of whispered sounds exceeded that of normal speech when feelings of weakness and fear dominate the persona who is challenging firmly established social principles, or when feelings of sorrow and sadness are experienced by the persona who is living in a repressive and oppressive life.

The presence of explosive sounds with a high proportion compared to frictional sounds is due to the fact that the poems in the collection are a comprehensive revolution against many postulates as well as fixed and established concepts in the traditional oriental society. And one of the means of expressing this revolution linguistically is the high frequency of explosive sounds

How to Cite

Atef Al-Asady, N. . (2021). A Study of the Stylistic Features of Isolated Sound in “Dīwān Yawmiyāt ’imra’ah lā Mubāliyah (A Collection of Poems: The Diary of a Careless Woman)” by Nizār Qabbānī. AL-Majma, (16), 433–461. Retrieved from http://ojs.qsm.ac.il/index.php/majma/article/view/381


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