The Poetic Image in the Painting of Raed Qatanani



Published Sep 13, 2020
Johaina Khateb


The Greek philosopher Simonides said in 465 BC that "poetry is a spoken illustration, and drawing is silent poetry." There is a close relationship between plastic art and the poem, and this is not a modern matter, as the Greek poetic epics were embodied in paintings that expressed their content. Both are linked by imagination, creativity, and displacement from regular expression. Aristotle recognized this relationship between poetry and painting as a form of simulation. The poet may choose a specific word and the artist- a specific form, over another word or form without their conscious mind realizing the reason behind their choice and moving them to the subconscious logic. In poetry, there is harmony in rhythm and music, even in the prose poem, as it compensates for the rhythm using symbolic overtones, such as writing the word in single letters, or on different lines, so that the letters are distributed horizontally or vertically. The poem is a drawing of words, while a painting is a drawing in color.

The poem and the painting were also associated with the different emotional passions and the delinquent fantasy towards boundlessness.

In many poems we find the addition of collage poets, they included paintings and calligraphy as Adonis and other did, and the same thing with plastic artists, they used poems in their plastic paintings. Today, digital literature also incorporates more than one medium of art. A modern example of an artist who incorporates various art forms is the Palestinian plastic artist Raed Qatanani from Jordan, who pairs poems with paintings. In his work, he has followed two methods: The first way is to draw the painting from the poem, and second, to draw the painting and then write a poem that matches it.

The study aims to show this silent dialogue and mixing between the poetic image and the plastic painting. My study will include examples of plastic arts by Raed Qatanani, which he paired with poems. The research will follow the analytical and semiotic approaches, by comparing this artistic literary overlap between the poem and the plastic painting, taking into account the following points:

-The distribution of colors and their intensity parallel to the poetic reactions: gradient color, contrast, chromaticity, chromaticity, color mixture, symbolic colors.

- Drawing with color and the corresponding process of drawing with words for the poetic image.

How to Cite

Khateb, J. . (2020). The Poetic Image in the Painting of Raed Qatanani . AL-Majma, (15), 1–26. Retrieved from


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