Argumentation (Al-Ḥijaj) as a Generator of Aesthetics in Poetry



Published Sep 13, 2020
Samia Al-Dridi Al-Dridi


The current research tackles an essential issue in the relationship between argumentation and the aesthetic of the poetic literary text.

After a long research in old literature, I found out that argumentation needs proper vocabulary and a good structure to be successful and effective, but in this article I offer a new prospective. I prove, through different poetic and prose texts, that most of the time, argumentation itself is what makes the aesthetic of the argumentative text. This is especially apparent in texts where there is an argumentative dialogue between two people who try to convince each other and prove their own perspective is the truth. As an expert in this field of old literature as well as argumentation; my research applied the theory of argumentation to old literary texts, especially in those texts where exists an argumentative dialogue between two people who try to convince and prove their own prospective to the other and in the other way respectively, so this article is considered more practical than theoretical.

How to Cite

Al-Dridi, S. A.-D. (2020). Argumentation (Al-Ḥijaj) as a Generator of Aesthetics in Poetry. AL-Majma, (15), 77–92. Retrieved from


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