Analysis of poetic discourse through Image Culture: An applied study for symbolic potential in “A Dim Mountain in the Baskets of Villages” anthology by Ahmed Al Khatib



Published Sep 14, 2019
Khaled Hussein Dalky Jamal Mohammed Maqableh



The paper aims to present different perceptions of poetic discourse and poetic images, manipulating the fields of discourse analysis and cultural criticism. In this context, the goal of this paper is to highlight the role of cultural approach/ cultural reading in the analysis and understanding of poetic works as a discourse. On this basis, an investigation of the poetic discourse from three approaches is presented. Afterwards, the paper will explore the poetic image as simulation or imagination. The poetic image will also be approached as a rhetorical construct in order to draw conclusions about the dynamics of the poetic image as a text or discourse. 

The second part of the paper is dedicated to cover the field of cultural criticism in order to illustrate the culture of poetic image and the ramifications associated with the application of this term which help the critic to read and evaluate poetic works properly.

The paper utilizes the culture of the image as an entry to critical reading of a modernist poetic work “A Dim Mountain in the Baskets of Villages” Anthology by Ahmed Al Khatib.

How to Cite

Dalky , K. H. ., & Maqableh, J. M. . (2019). Analysis of poetic discourse through Image Culture: An applied study for symbolic potential in “A Dim Mountain in the Baskets of Villages” anthology by Ahmed Al Khatib. AL-Majma, (14), 33–70. Retrieved from


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