A reading of the stream of consciousness in "Lawzuha Almur" novel



Published Sep 14, 2019
Fatema Rayyan


This study focuses on the importance of using the stream of consciousness technique in the modernist local experimental novel, through careful reading, for it is reflected in the novel by the local writer Hisham Naffa’ (1970).

The study addresses the following questions or issues:

- What is stream of consciousness? And how does it appear in the novel "Lawzuha Almur" published in 2017?

- How does stream of consciousness contribute to documenting the interconnectivity between form and content? And how to recruit in the service of dimensions and technical connotations in the novel?

- This study claims that talking about Metafiction, as a unique stylistic phenomenon is not possible in this novel, as we cannot read it in isolation from reading the stream of consciousness. How can this first claim integrate in the second one to the extent that separating them is difficult؟

How to Cite

Rayyan, F. . (2019). A reading of the stream of consciousness in "Lawzuha Almur" novel. AL-Majma, (14), 205–226. Retrieved from http://ojs.qsm.ac.il/index.php/majma/article/view/406


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