The Title as a Paratext The Black Barriers by Layla Al ᾿uthman



Published Sep 14, 2019
Fiad Hibi


This research deals with title as paratext that indicates the relation between the text and reality in general. The study assumes that the literary title is chosen by the author only after completing the process of writing the text, and it is what indicates directly the relation between the text and its reality. Thus, the title becomes an additional text (paratext), because the author chooses "his/her" title after serious consideration. The study highlights the linguistic aspect of the title in order to prove that relation in two main levels: the sociolinguistic aspect and the syntactic aspect. Furthermore, the study maintains  that the title is a major and necessary stage among the different forms of paratext, and is distinguished by its ability to provoke the reader to "build" a system of former expectations before formally beginning the reading activity process of the text (by the reader).

How to Cite

Hibi, F. . (2019). The Title as a Paratext The Black Barriers by Layla Al ᾿uthman . AL-Majma, (14), 227–254. Retrieved from


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