The Prophet’s Document which Announced the Birth of the Umma: Notes and Commentary



Published Sep 17, 2017
Khalil ‘Athamina


In this paper the author tries to review some personal opinions of Islamic scholars who have dealt with this issue entitled by them “The Constitution of Medina by Muhammad”.

Though many aspects included in the Prophet’s document were discussed by the scholars, most of them failed to refer to the exact connotation of the term Umma, especially its socio-political dimension, what its status was, and what distinguishes its role in comparison with other nations on earth.

The Qur'an referred to Islamic Umma in different contexts, among them a verse in sura (II: 143) which gives a full description to the essential nature of this term, describing the Muslim Umma  as a "just community": And thus we have made you a just community that you will be witnesses over the people and the Messenger will be a witness over you".

How to Cite

‘Athamina, K. . (2017). The Prophet’s Document which Announced the Birth of the Umma: Notes and Commentary. AL-Majma, (12), 45–60. Retrieved from


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