Naji Dahir's Muhaaq (New Moon):Literature and Patriarchal Ideology



Published Sep 17, 2017
Fuad A'zzam


In this article, we will  have a study of the novel Muhaaq (new moon) by Naji Dahir. The study will focus on the poetic nature of the novel. As Roman Jakobson says, the poetic nature relates to the answer of the question what is it that makes an oral message an art? Roland Barthes, on the other hand, considers poetry a sign of literature; while Todrov considers it a theory of structuring literary discourse. As for prose, poetic nature of a written discourse tries to answer different questions, amongs them is "what are the charachtersitics which make any discourse Muhaaq  a story? What are the charasteristics of the sotry in this literary wok?The importance of the poetic nature of this literary text is due to the fact that this piece of literature stirs between ideology and literature. We want to see what makes it more into literature, specifically, novella.

We will have a look at the different factors wich contribute to the novella's nature: time, plae, characters,  events (plot), and narrator. We will focus on the following main question: Did the writer manage to make balance between literature and ideology, or did the patriarchal mentality overwhelmed throughout the literary piece, and thus the whole literary product was under this literary genre?

How to Cite

A’zzam, F. . (2017). Naji Dahir’s Muhaaq (New Moon):Literature and Patriarchal Ideology. AL-Majma, (12), 189–212. Retrieved from


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