A study and publication of al-SijÁ‘Ð's Al-JawÁhir al-MuntaÛamÁt fÐ ‘UqÙd al-MaqÙlÁt
This article aims to publish a manuscript on logic entitled: Al-JawÁhir al-MuntaÛamÁt fÐ ‘UqÙd al-MaqÙlÁt (“The Organized Jewelry in the Necklaces of the Categories”) by Sheikh Ahmad al-SijÁ‘Ð (d. 1783).The text deals with the theory of Aristotelian categories through its Islamic interpretation. Al-SijÁ‘Ð, who is committed to the educational approach of al-ÞAzhar in this text, managed to harmonize between Aristotelian logic, on one hand, and Islamic cultural needs, on the other. The manuscript follows the logical tradition initiated first by al-GhazÁlÐ (d. 1111).
The study is divided into two parts: the first deals with historical and substantive aspects of the manuscript, while the second is devoted to decipher the manuscript on the basis of three different copies of it.