A study and publication of al-SijÁ‘Ð's Al-JawÁhir al-MuntaÛamÁt fÐ ‘UqÙd al-MaqÙlÁt



Published Sep 21, 2013
Ahmad Ighbariah


This article aims to publish a manuscript on logic entitled: Al-JawÁhir al-MuntaÛamÁt fÐ ‘UqÙd al-MaqÙlÁt (“The Organized Jewelry in the Necklaces of the Categories”) by Sheikh Ahmad al-SijÁ‘Ð (d. 1783).The text deals with the theory of Aristotelian categories through its Islamic interpretation. Al-SijÁ‘Ð, who is committed to the educational approach of al-ÞAzhar in this text, managed to harmonize between Aristotelian logic, on one hand, and Islamic cultural needs, on the other. The manuscript follows the logical tradition initiated first by al-GhazÁlÐ (d. 1111).

The study is divided into two parts: the first deals with historical and substantive aspects of the manuscript, while the second is devoted to decipher the manuscript on the basis of three different copies of it.

How to Cite

Ighbariah, A. (2013). A study and publication of al-SijÁ‘Ð’s Al-JawÁhir al-MuntaÛamÁt fÐ ‘UqÙd al-MaqÙlÁt. AL-Majma, (7), 1–28. Retrieved from http://ojs.qsm.ac.il/index.php/majma/article/view/465


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