The Structure of Central Character in the Novel Samt Al-farashat



Published Sep 18, 2014
Fuad Azzam


This article aims at analyzing the central character in the novel Samt Al-farashat (The Silence of Butterflies) for the kuwaitian novelist Layla Al-Othman. The study depends on Ibrahim Taha's five stage theatrical model. First, it defines the central character depending on textual criteria and studies her structure in its direct and indirect description. Then it defines her position from the viewpoint of heroism through her success or failure in achieving her goals. If the character succeeds in achieving her goals, then she is considered a “hero”. If she fails to achieve her goal, then she is considered as an “anti- hero”. From the analysis of Samt Al-farashat, the study reaches the conclusion that Nadia is the central character, and she is depicted through the use of indirect pictorial technique. It is worthwhile pointing out that Nadia failed to achieve her goals, and thus she is considered as an anti-hero. We can put this novel in the frame of feminist reformist novel because it does not aim to destroy the foundations of family and society but it aims at reforming the situation of  Arab women in general and women who live in the Gulf region, in particular.

How to Cite

Azzam, F. . (2014). The Structure of Central Character in the Novel Samt Al-farashat. AL-Majma, (8), 77–100. Retrieved from


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