The "Other" Image in the Novel "I am a Jerusalemite



Published Oct 12, 2023
Mohammed Dawabsheh Zuhor Dawabsheh


     This research aims at studying the image of the "other" in the novel of Ala Muhanna "I am a Jerusalemite ", as it focuses on concept of the image from different perspectives, positive and negative, as shown the novel. A special emphasis is put on social and psychological dimensions which correspond to the nature of the image in the reality of Palestinians and Israelis de facto, as it is perceived by the writer.

   The very nature of the image as drawn in the other's mentality was dominant on the author's mind while writing the text. This image was perceived as less symbolic and less functional as it appears on the margins of a narrative text. Hence, we came up with the conclusion that the mental images present at the two nations' minds of the "other" are almost inevitable

How to Cite

Dawabsheh , M., & Dawabsheh, Z. . (2023). The "Other" Image in the Novel "I am a Jerusalemite . AL-Majma, (8). Retrieved from


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