The Identification between the Female Author and the Protagonist In Modern Arabic Feminine Narrative Fiction



Published Sep 18, 2012
Mohammad Saffuri


The article deals with the phenomenon of the identification between the female author and the protagonist in modern Arabic feminine narrative fiction. It is a prevalent one in the canonical official narrative in general which feminine narrative fiction exploits as a tool and target. On the one hand, the identification phenomenon reinforces the woman status in the text, and it undermines the patriarchal literary rules, on the other. Thus the identification is used in two levels: the thematic and the stylistic.

This phenomenon is controversial among Arab women writers; while one writer rejects it, another confesses that she employs it in her literary works as a protest against the patriarchal criticism, or to reinforce her female identity. A third writer, however, uses it as a mask for hiding and a home for her voice.

There are various forms of identifications in modern Arabic feminine narrative fiction. The most famous of them are: identification in life circumstances, cultural and ideological identification, parallel identification between the author and the protagonist.

How to Cite

Saffuri, M. . (2012). The Identification between the Female Author and the Protagonist In Modern Arabic Feminine Narrative Fiction. AL-Majma, (6), 265–280. Retrieved from


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