A Comparative Analysis of the Negation Systems in Arabic and English



Published Sep 1, 2010
Abdul Kareem Igbaria


This study deals with the negative system in Arabic and English by comparison of form, meaning, and use. The researcher refers to the negative form in the two languages at the word, the phrase, and the sentence level. The researcher refers to the meaning of most of the negation words in both languages by emphasizing the comparison between them. Special emphasis is placed upon the scope of the negation and meaning shift. The researcher also emphasizes the comparison of the meaning of the words "some" and "any" in regard to negation and the meaning of interrogative questions (including polar questions) in both languages. The use of negation in the two languages in several different areas including the social function of negation, affixal and non-affixal negation, negative equatives, and functional negatives is discussed. With respect to the use of negation, the researcher explores the problems that Arab students encounter when using English negative sentences. Finally, the researcher presents the reader with factors that are likely to improve the correct use of English negation on the part of Arab students that English teachers in the Arab sector must be aware of. Several recommendations are offered at the concluding part.  


How to Cite

Igbaria, A. K. . (2010). A Comparative Analysis of the Negation Systems in Arabic and English. AL-Majma, (3+4), 117–158. Retrieved from http://ojs.qsm.ac.il/index.php/majma/article/view/540


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