The Static and the Dynamic in Arabic Syntax: Parsing as an Example



Published Sep 1, 2010
Elias Atallah


In order to keep its perfection and harmony, Arabic syntax, both in its classical holistic entity engulfing grammar and its sciences, and the partial modern, or semi-modern one restricting itself to words and their functions in a sentence, has become a static closed science that cannot accept neither additions nor deletions. Moreover it can't accept delay, reduction nor simplification, even temporarily, of any topic of its grammar curriculum, since it will appear at a later stage when specializing in that topic requires those doses of missing knowledge.

This study aims at mobilizing the "static", looking for the "mutating" in the holy of holiness of syntax: case, which is the exploration of the grammatical functions that words take when occupying positions of syntactic structure of the sentence.                                                                       

How to Cite

Atallah, E. . (2010). The Static and the Dynamic in Arabic Syntax: Parsing as an Example. AL-Majma, (2), 1–24. Retrieved from


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