A Historical Study: The Ottoman Decrees and its Impact on the Emergence of Theatre in Palestine till the end of the First World War (1337-1250 H/ 1918-1834 AC)



Published Jan 6, 2024
Mashhour Al-Habbazi


The decrees issued in the third Hijri Century? The 19 th century covered most
society aspects in the Ottoman state aiming at developing and modernize society
and spread equality among its multi ethnicities? sects and races.
Several reasons made me choose to investigate this subject. Among them is that,
to the best of my knowledge, there are no independent previous studies on this
topic. Also, there is lack in the consensus in what is written in Palestinian
Encyclopedia about theatre in Palestine.
The significance of this study lies in its being an up to date one that investigates
the impact of the Ottoman laws and regulations pertaining to municipal councils,
societies, education and the press on the emergence of the Palestinian theater.
The study aimed to identify the birth of the Palestinian theater, and to show the
impact of the Ottoman organizations on this phenomenon.
As for the previous studies, the researcher did not come across any study directly
related to the role of the Ottoman laws and regulations in the emergence of the
Palestinian theater.

The study follows the integrative methodology, in which the researcher applies
the historical, descriptive, investigative, and analytical approaches.
However, the decrees did not have direct impact on the establishment of theater
in Palestine but indirect one mostly through the decrees related municipalities
establishment? church affiliated schools? societies and clubs? newspapers and
magazines permits issuance,
In this study, the researcher will address the emergence of theatre in Palestine at
the following levels.
1. The stages of the decrees
2. The ottoman decrees impacted the emergence of theater.
3. The establishment of the Palestinian theater
4. The schools' theater
5. Theater in societies and literary clubs
6. The public theater
7. Authors of play and theater fiction
8. Plays genera.
The study concluded that the beginning of theater in Palestine was in (1834 AC-
1250 H) when a group of children conducted a religious play in a roman catholic
church in Bethlehem. The researcher recommends reviewing the Palestinian
Encyclopedia on the topic.

How to Cite

Al-Habbazi, M. . (2024). A Historical Study: The Ottoman Decrees and its Impact on the Emergence of Theatre in Palestine till the end of the First World War (1337-1250 H/ 1918-1834 AC). AL-Majma, (19), 213–250. Retrieved from https://ojs.qsm.ac.il/index.php/majma/article/view/845


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