Linguistic openness in The Theoretical Grammar of Yonna Ibn Jannah the Jew of Cordovan: Devices, Challenges and its Prospects



Published Jan 8, 2024
Malika Naaim


"This research paper aims to show how Arabic grammatical thinking represented
the basis for building the Hebrew grammar, whether at the level of the adopted
mechanisms or at the level of the study curriculum and its evidence through
theYona IBn Jannah Al-Qurtubi project.  The research paper will explain the
main reasons that enabled Ibn Jannah to invest this model in his grammar project
as one of the founders of Hebrew grammar, and the challenges faced in adopting
it, especially from some Hebrew groups, then the results he achieved by adopting
the Arabic curriculum in the study, and the prospects it opened for those who
came after him. the study will take from The book entitled Al-Moustalhik as its
starting point with openness to the two books Al-Usul (Origins) and Al-Lumaa
during treatment, and the study will be based on the descriptive and comparative
approaches.  The main objective of the study is to draw up a plan to review the
Arabic grammar lesson through openness to the linguistic patterns affecting
some of its issues.

How to Cite

Naaim, M. . (2024). Linguistic openness in The Theoretical Grammar of Yonna Ibn Jannah the Jew of Cordovan: Devices, Challenges and its Prospects. AL-Majma, (19), 251–272. Retrieved from


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