The semantic fields affected by the nature of the poet's persona



Published Jan 6, 2024
Naseem Atef Asadi


A semantic field is a group of lexical units whose semantics are linked and fall
under a general term that brings them together. To understand the meaning of a
word, it is necessary to understand the group of words related to it semantically
because the meaning of a word is the result of its relationships with other words
within the lexical field.
The reasons for the differences in most of the semantic fields in the two poem
collections are due to their different nature, and the different types of poems led
to a difference between the persona of the poet in each of them, and this
difference had an impact on the semantic fields.
The poems in Journal of an Indifferent Woman in their entirety came in revolt
against masculine authority at the level of the individual and society, and the
persona is one (except for the poem “A Letter to a Man”) and it is a weak,
shaken persona who feels rejected, and hated, therefore her revolution was
confined to her secret diaries, which no one read except her, and this led to a lack
of rhetorical language and a lack of confrontation with male figures. The persona
in Qabbani's collection lives within a limited, confined environment, so most of
the semantic fields in it are limited within those limits, such as the human field,
spatial space, temporal space, nature, animals, and colors. We note that most of the vocabulary of those semantic fields is from the home environment and
around it.
The poems of Fragments of a Woman are a diverse woman that combines
spinning with national and political poetry. The persona is different from that
found in Qabbani's collection. She has a stronger personality, and her revolution
was not confined to secret diaries. Rather, she confronted the male characters in
her poems and addressed them boldly, addressing various topics. A broader
knowledge of its environment and world led to a difference in the vocabulary of
semantic fields that are similar at first glance in the two collections.

How to Cite

Asadi, N. A. . (2024). The semantic fields affected by the nature of the poet’s persona. AL-Majma, (19), 273–302. Retrieved from


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