Celestial Verses: A Resurgent Fascination with Metaphysical Poetry in the 20 th Century



Published Jan 12, 2024
Jamal Assadi


This investigation explores the enduring interest in metaphysical poetry,
focusing on the critical reception of John Donne's works during the interwar
period, marked by significant shifts in collective psyche post-World War I. The
intentional selection of this timeframe allows for a nuanced exploration of how
metaphysical poetry resonated with a society undergoing profound societal and
intellectual changes, echoing Donne's challenges in his era.
Using a historical and literary analysis approach, the study probes into
critical landscapes, unveiling a consensus among scholars that Donne's poetry
epitomized modern thought. His skepticism towards emerging scientific and
philosophical paradigms, coupled with his adept synthesis of disparate elements,
positioned him as a representative of contemporary intellectual currents. This
acknowledgment significantly impacted critical theory, establishing Donne's
poetry as a prototype for modern poetic expressions and inspiring subsequent
Despite this prevailing perspective, the essay acknowledges the emergence
of historically-oriented critics in the 1940s. This group approached Donne's work
with irony, seeking to contextualize him within his intellectual milieu. Their aim
was to expose the divergence between Donne's thought and the prevailing ideas
of his era, adding complexity to the understanding of his work.
Recounting this dynamic intellectual landscape sheds light on the ongoing
discourse surrounding metaphysical poetry. It underscores Donne's lasting
influence as a focal critical point of discussion, contributing to the broader

understanding of the poet and the literary landscape of the interwar period. The
legacy of this interwar critical engagement continues to shape contemporary
perspectives on Donne and his ongoing impact on poetry.

How to Cite

Assadi , J. . (2024). Celestial Verses: A Resurgent Fascination with Metaphysical Poetry in the 20 th Century. AL-Majma, (19), 333–362. Retrieved from https://ojs.qsm.ac.il/index.php/majma/article/view/849


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