The Concept of Twice-Exceptional Students (Gifted with Disabilities), Diagnosis, and Ways to Educate Them in Arab Society

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Published Sep 13, 2020
Enas Qidan Qamar Watad


This study aimed to define the category of twice-exceptional students (gifted and with disabilities), to examine methods of identifying them, and ways of educating them by family and society. The definition of this category was carried out with various diagnostic strategies by showing the relationship between the means educators and teachers use to deal with twice-exceptional students, and these teachers’ method of educating these gifted students with disabilities. The methodology of the study relied on qualitative research through semi-structured interviews in addition to using the researchers' diaries and observations. The study tried, after examining the concept of twice-exceptional students in theory as a new and uncommon term in the educational field, to answer two central questions: What are the means used to identify the capabilities of those twice-exceptional students? What are the ways of accommodating twice-exceptional students? The sample of the study consisted of ten individuals working in the field of special education. They are three female teachers and one male teacher, a principal of a special education school, two academic lecturers, an educational consultant, a coordinator of social education and an occupational therapist in an institution of special education from the Arab community in the country. The most prominent result indicates that there is a need to clarify and raise the societal awareness to the fact that the familia; and social role have an effect in developing or hindering the capabilities of those with special talents and disabilities. The results also show differences in caring for this group in relation to the type of disability and its degree in each student.

How to Cite

Qidan, E., & Watad, Q. (2020). The Concept of Twice-Exceptional Students (Gifted with Disabilities), Diagnosis, and Ways to Educate Them in Arab Society. Jami’a - Journal in Education and Social Sciences, 23(1), 151–179. Retrieved from


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