From Theory to Practice: THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF Four Developmental Psychologists to The Field of Education

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Published Sep 9, 2004
Ali Jabareen


It is hard, perhaps even impossible, to be just to such renowned developmental psychologists in such a brief review.  This paper, however, has attempted to touch upon some of the contributions of Baldwin,  Dewey, Binet and Watson in any field of pedagogy which administration and policy studies might involve.  No doubt, their research and scientific inquiries and discoveries will continue to reflect themselves strongly for generations to come.  Their attempt to discuss and describe the various stages of childhood, and specifically the distinguishing characteristics of each stage, have been and will continue to be of great value to schooling and school officials.  In order to take the best advantage of such valuable contributions, one has to contribute more of his/ her time and energy in order to dig deeper, and through a closer reading of their writings and a better understanding of their discoveries, make the best application of these findings to modern education systems worldwide.

How to Cite

Jabareen, A. . (2004). From Theory to Practice: THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF Four Developmental Psychologists to The Field of Education. Jami’a - Journal in Education and Social Sciences, 8, 20–35. Retrieved from


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