إدارة الإبداع في المؤسسات

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Published Sep 9, 2002
Abdallah Tarabeh


Creativity is not an accumulation of knowledge. Rather it is  a process, in which the individual is qualified to make the connection between prior and newly acquired knowledge.  New knowledge can enrich old knowledge and help the person make new associations.  Each individual can show some signs of creativity, which can be encouraged . There are three main conditions, however, to encourage innate creativity -  Man is in need of : a. internal freedom, b. external security, and c. knowledge.

Therefore security and freedom are essential elements to encourage creativity.  Also, creative thinking plays a crucial role in the work of the leader or the manager, so that he or she can lead his/her organization on the right track.  Our schools and organizations are in grave need of creative leaders in order to develop and progress in an era of knowledge and technology.  This article relates to the important elements which help create an atmosphere of creativity in various organizations,  and which effectively and efficiently lead the organization in a clear process.  This requires a change in the understanding and positions of the employers and emloyees of any organization.  Among the various important elements which can promote creativity are the following: 1- the ability to plan strategically, 2- an organization's cultural values and goals, and  3- a climate and an atmosphere which encourage and strengthen the employees.

Finally, in this article I address the principals and managers in our institutions, asking them to help introduce such elements to their institutions and allow more room for creative people.    

How to Cite

Tarabeh, A. (2002). إدارة الإبداع في المؤسسات. Jami’a - Journal in Education and Social Sciences, 6((أ), 100–111. Retrieved from http://ojs.qsm.ac.il/index.php/jamiaa/article/view/772


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