Content-Language Approach

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Published Sep 9, 2002
Dalia Fadelah


More scrutiny, lately, has been carried out in the field of teaching and learning English as a second or foreign Language (Lorenz and Met,1988;Mojhanovih and Fish, 1988 ; Snow, 1987);the question goes to the effectiveness of any learning and teaching when they are being,mostly,realized in an environment irrelevant to the people and culture of the languge itself.Hence the renewed zeal for the content-based approach of foreign and second language instruction,English in particular.such method of instruction aims at restructuring not only the curriculum but also the environment where the language is being taught and learned.This article is only one attempt at trying to fathom the approach,its dimensions as well as implication.Starting with a definition,it then moves to the exploration of the history of language-content instruction.The stress,nevertheless,is placed on the planning of instruction,as the integration of content and language may not be so accessible at the first stages of students`proficiency development.A redefinition of the role of the teacher,moreover,is is not only that he/she structures the environment,makes both language and content accessible,assesses students`growth,but he/she also acts as a model of language learning and teaching.What is finally discussed,therefore,in this article are the implications that content-language instruction may have on re-shaping the roles that language teachers play inside and outside the classroom.For they are the true wizards of language learning and teaching.
A great controversy,it is known,evolves around the acquisition of English as a second or foreign language.though differing and multiple are the approaches suggested,they do all agree that any education of a minority language students seem to be based on the assumption that proficiency in English prerequisite for academic learning(Collier,1989;Cummins,1981). Yet before speculating acdemic levels,we are to start with the foundation.The elementary level is the base where any proficiency in English may be spurred.Avarity of current trends at both the elementary and secondary levels are resuiting in a growing enthusiasm for”content-based”foreign language curriclum and enthruction(Met,1991).

How to Cite

Fadelah, D. . (2002). Content-Language Approach. Jami’a - Journal in Education and Social Sciences, 6((أ), 303–316. Retrieved from


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