Editorial by Prof. Anwar Rayan, Editor-in-chief, JAMI’A Journal

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Published Feb 1, 2024
Anwar Rayan


As the editor-in-chief of JAMI’A Journal, I am delighted to present the highlights of
Volume 24, Issue No. 2. This issue features six insightful papers:
1. "Cognitive Processes of Eighth-grade Students Learning the Topic of Quadrilaterals
Using the GeoGebra Program: A Cognitive Analysis" by Shaimaa Jamal Qattawi &
Wajeeh Daher explores the cognitive processes of eighth-grade female students in
learning quadrilaterals using the GeoGebra software, examining how teacher and
student routines influence learning and demonstrating the positive impact of
technology and collaborative work on students' cognitive development in
2. "How Teachers Address Listening Skills in Arab-Palestinian Kindergartens:
Investigating Teachers’ Attitudes and Practices Regarding Teaching Listening Skills
to Kindergarten Children" by Areen Elhaj-Watad & Haifaa Majadly investigates the
attitudes and practices of Arab-Palestinian kindergarten teachers in Israel regarding
the development of listening skills in children aged 5-6, revealing positive attitudes
but a relatively low level of actual application of these skills in teaching.
3. "Social-Emotional Learning in the Context of Arab Teachers’ Professional
Development" by Asmahan Masri Hirzallah evaluates the effectiveness of a
professional development course for Arab teachers on social-emotional learning,
using practices like mindfulness, simulations, and puppet theatre, in enhancing their
social-emotional competencies and fostering better relations with students and
parents, with an emphasis on cultural-political awareness and COVID-19
4. "The First Cohort of Palestinian-Jerusalemite Students in Israeli Higher Education:
Determinants and Consequences for Their Inclusion in the Hebrew Language
Pedagogy Program at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem" by Asmahan Masri
Hirzallah & Adar Cohen is a qualitative study investigating the reasons behind
Palestinian-Jerusalemite students' enrolment in Hebrew University's "Hebrew for
Arabic Speakers" program, examining their academic experiences and coping
جامعة، املجلد 24 العدد 2 )2023(، صفحة B
strategies in a politically complex environment, and highlighting how this education
aids in personal and professional empowerment and the formation of a hybrid cultural
5. "The First Cohort of Palestinian-Jerusalemite Students in Israeli Higher Education:
Determinants and Consequences for Their Inclusion in the Hebrew Language
Pedagogy Program at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem" by Badee Al-Qashaeleh
& Asmahan Ben Saeed explores the communication patterns between Arab
kindergarten teachers and parents during the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing on the
use of WhatsApp as a communication tool, its advantages and challenges in the
Bedouin Arab education sector, and the preference for WhatsApp over other platforms
like ZOOM due to limited technological resources.
6. "Arab Teachers’ Perceptions of Online Learning and Technology Use During the
COVID-19 Era: Advantages and Challenges" by Haneen Vasel investigates Arab
teachers' perceptions of online learning and technology use during the COVID-19
pandemic, revealing a positive shift towards facilitative teaching and student-centered
education, but also highlighting the challenges of disconnection with students and the
need for better preparation and resources for remote learning.
We invite researchers from the educational and social sciences to submit manuscripts for
evaluation and potential publication in JAMI’A Journal. Our forthcoming issues are
particularly focused on papers that explore the application of AI as an assistant for
educators. This aims to transform teaching methods and enrich learning experiences.
Your contributions are vital for advancing the knowledge and practice of integrating AI
into educational environments. We look forward to innovative research that sheds light
on this dynamic and rapidly developing field.
I would like to extend my gratitude to Dr. Najwan Saada for his invaluable contributions
to JAMI’A Journal during his tenure as editor-in-chief.

How to Cite

Rayan, A. . (2024). Editorial by Prof. Anwar Rayan, Editor-in-chief, JAMI’A Journal. Jami’a - Journal in Education and Social Sciences, 24(2). Retrieved from http://ojs.qsm.ac.il/index.php/jamiaa/article/view/854


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