The degree mathematics teachers use the principles of the Theory of traditional measurement and evaluation from the viewpoint of the teachers themselves.
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This study aims to examine the degree mathematics teachers use the principles of the
theory of traditional measurement and evaluation from their own viewpoint. To achieve
the goal of the study, a questionnaire consisting of 6 categories and of 79 items was
distributed to a sample of 150 mathematics teachers from the Nablus district. The
results of the study indicated that mathematics teachers use the principles of the
traditional measurement and evaluation theory such as test planning, wording
paragraphs, the administration of the test, the test application, and marking the test.
There has been weakness in the process of analyzing the results of the test and
interpreting its results. The differences are statistically non-significant (the degree
mathematics teachers in the Education Directorate of Nablus use the principles of the
theory of traditional measurement and evaluation) based on the following variables:
sex, qualification, type of qualification, years of experience, learners' ages). In light of
the results of the study some recommendations are offered.