Discrimination Against Physically-disabled Arab academics: Mental Damage

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Published Sep 14, 2018
Jehan Haidar Hasan


The study engages with a focused population of "physically disabled" who
successfully Obtained academic diplomas in order to shed light on the exclusion
of this population, including its exclusion from integration into the labor market
due to ongoing discrimination. The study attempts to answer the following
question: Does the rejection of people with disabilities and their long-term
discrimination in finding work cause harm to their mental situation?
The research method is the qualitative research one, and the research tool is the
structured face-to-face interview. Six people with physical disabilities
participated in the study, three women and three men, all of whom have higher
education. The age range of male and female interviewees ranged from 25-50.

The interviewees are from the Arab society and have physical disabilities. The
sample was selected according to the convenience approach.
The findings show that people with disabilities who succeeded in overcoming
the obstacles and successfully integrating into the labor market very well prove
the rejection of people with disabilities wrong, while those with disabilities who
failed to find work experienced unjustified rejection. The findings also indicate
the existence of prejudice among the Arab society in relation to various
disabilities, whether for gender reasons, mental illness, and physical disability.
However, the main component of this study shows that prejudices stemming
from primordial fears regarding people with disabilities in the Arab society
create baseless stereotypes about the ability of candidates for employment,
despite their academic and professional training, and their ability to do the work
well and even better than not disabled colleagues do.

How to Cite

Hasan, J. H. . (2018). Discrimination Against Physically-disabled Arab academics: Mental Damage. Jami’a - Journal in Education and Social Sciences, 21(1), 117–144. Retrieved from http://ojs.qsm.ac.il/index.php/jamiaa/article/view/208


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