Teachers’ trainers and trainees’ attitudes toward “modernization” in the Arab teacher-training system in Israel

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Published Sep 9, 2004
Mohammad Essawi


The study objective is to examine the teachers’ trainers and trainees’ attitudes in the Arab teacher-training system in Israel toward readiness to accept new information and ideas, openness, democracy, discipline and time management, planning and organization, readiness to learn, use of numbers and lifestyle that characterize “modernization” according to western culture.  The study sample included 88 teachers trainers and 203 trainees (168 female trainees) from teacher training colleges in the Arab sector and in training tracks in other colleges.  The sample was selected on the basis of random cluster sampling.  The study hypothesis was that teachers trainers and trainees have negative attitudes toward “modernization”.  In addition, we expected no significant difference between the attitudes of the teachers trainers and trainees with respect to “modernization”.  The study tool was a questionnaire that included 80 statements relevant to the components of “modernization”. 

The study findings indicated positive attitudes toward “modernization” (M=3.31).  In addition, no significant difference was detected between teachers trainers and trainees, but a statistically significant gender difference was found in favor of the female trainees.  Moreover, place of residence was found to have a significant effect on the attitudes of the trainees.

The study findings raise difficult questions for the training institutions of Arab teachers.  Such institutions are supposed to train an open, initiating, leading and agent for change in the Arab community.  If there is no significant difference between the attitudes of the teachers trainers and the trainees toward readiness to accept new information and ideas, openness, democracy, discipline and time management, planning and organization, readiness to learn, use of numbers and lifestyle, then, who would lead the trainees to a process of openness and change?

How to Cite

Essawi, M. (2004). Teachers’ trainers and trainees’ attitudes toward “modernization” in the Arab teacher-training system in Israel. Jami’a - Journal in Education and Social Sciences, 8, 385–401. Retrieved from http://ojs.qsm.ac.il/index.php/jamiaa/article/view/731


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